We should add new action in existing outlook abo to read saved .msg file. This will help to read out saved emails in shared drive and email saved by outlook vbo.
Jatin Kalra
about 3 years ago
in DX Assets
Already exists
To read large data from excel above upto 2-3 lakh rows
Working with Large data in Blue Prism gives Out of Memory exception even when OLEDB action stage is used, building a VBO which reads large data from excel or anywhere into a collection, will solve many use cases
Yogita Mukhija
almost 4 years ago
in DX Assets
Will not do
Outlook VBo[Legacy + Graph API] - Add action for Draft mail
Currently in legacy VBO and Graph API VBO - there is no action for Draft mail. please include this. https://digitalexchange.blueprism.com/dx/entry/3439/solution/microsoft-office-365---outlook https://digitalexchange.blueprism.com/dx/entry/3439/sol...
Neeraj Kumar
about 2 months ago
in DX Assets