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DX Assets

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SAP Successfactors Connector

Create a connector into the SAP Successfactors Human Capital Management platform. There are a total of 21 API Sets that are documented at
Paul Nerger over 4 years ago in DX Assets 0 Completed REST API

Box is a cloud content management and file sharing service for businesses. A RESTful integration would make interaction between digital workers and the Box platform quite easy.
Eric Wilson over 4 years ago in DX Assets 0 Completed

SAP Concur

Build an integration leveraging Concur's REST API for expense management.
Eric Wilson over 4 years ago in DX Assets 0 Completed

Blue Prism Resource PC HTTP Interface

A VBO that wraps interaction with the resource PC HTTP interface. This would simplify a customer ability to interact directly with their resource PC's for status updates, etc.
Eric Wilson over 4 years ago in DX Assets 3 Completed

Create Expression Column - (Utility - Collection Manipulation)

Just looking at a question in the community that would benefit from a "Create Expression Column" action in the "Utility - Collection Manipulation VBO". Think of it like a cell formula in Excel. We have put one together for our own extended VBOs (w...
Micheal Charron 10 months ago in DX Assets 3 Completed

MS outlook VBO- option to add on behalf of

in MS outlook VBO legacy one - please add option to to have option "send on behalf of"
Neeraj Kumar about 1 year ago in DX Assets 2 Completed

MS Outlook VBO issue

The asset is great. But while using "Reading From MSG" action body is appearing in HTML format there should be an option to toggle between HTML and plain Text.
Amlan Sahoo over 1 year ago in DX Assets 0 Completed

Create a Action to Move Email for Pop3 SMTP as there is no action to move email

No description provided
Kishore L almost 2 years ago in DX Assets 1 Completed

Utility - JSON to include JSON path filter

Similar to the Web API response configuration, being able to parse specific arrays in a cleaner collection output would be helpful in dealing with most http utility responses. $.data.theArrayIWant
Rob Coates about 2 years ago in DX Assets 0 Completed

Flag Add - Outlook VBO Get Email Body with and without HTML

Request to add a flag in outlook VBO to Get Emails with and without HTML body.
Tejaskumar Darji about 2 years ago in DX Assets 0 Completed