When running saved Power Queries, a multitude of potential error messages could pop up within Excel. To simplify exception messaging, it would be a great help if we were able to grab these error messages generated by Excel.
John Hammond
over 2 years ago
in DX Assets
Calendar for Working Days & multiple date selection
Would make many lives a lot easier if there was a calendar or a function within Calendar where you can schedule on other working days, apart from just first and last. Financial services will benefit from this. At the moment you can do it but have ...
Sian Francis
almost 3 years ago
in DX Assets
Will not do
We should add new action in existing outlook abo to read saved .msg file. This will help to read out saved emails in shared drive and email saved by outlook vbo.
Jatin Kalra
about 3 years ago
in DX Assets
Already exists
To read large data from excel above upto 2-3 lakh rows
Working with Large data in Blue Prism gives Out of Memory exception even when OLEDB action stage is used, building a VBO which reads large data from excel or anywhere into a collection, will solve many use cases
Yogita Mukhija
almost 4 years ago
in DX Assets
Will not do