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Jira Connector

Jira is a popular Software Developer Life Cycle platform. They have two APIs documented at One is for the Software Server and one is for their Service Desk.
Paul Nerger over 4 years ago in DX Assets 2 Completed

Smartsheet Connector

Smartsheet is a shared spreadsheet solution that is used by lots of companies. There is an OpenAPI Spec on GitHub listed at
Paul Nerger over 4 years ago in DX Assets 0 Completed

SAP Successfactors Connector

Create a connector into the SAP Successfactors Human Capital Management platform. There are a total of 21 API Sets that are documented at
Paul Nerger over 4 years ago in DX Assets 0 Completed

Genesys Cloud Connector

Genesys cloud is a hosted call center solution. Their API is documented at They have Open API V2.0 specifications.
Paul Nerger over 4 years ago in DX Assets 0 Completed

Microsoft Graph API - Teams

Need to implement a Web API service definition for interacting with MS Teams.
Eric Wilson over 4 years ago in DX Assets 1 Completed

Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka is a distributed event streaming platform, similar to RabbitMQ, that can provide a highly-scalable and fault-tolerant system for messaging.
Eric Wilson over 4 years ago in DX Assets 6 Completed REST API

Box is a cloud content management and file sharing service for businesses. A RESTful integration would make interaction between digital workers and the Box platform quite easy.
Eric Wilson over 4 years ago in DX Assets 0 Completed

Hugging Face NLP

Request for integration with Hugging Face's natural language processing platform.
Guest over 4 years ago in DX Assets 0 Completed

Royal Mail Service API

Create a VBO/skill to wrap access to the Royal Mail Service Post Office Address finder API.
Guest over 4 years ago in DX Assets 0 Completed


Creation of a VBO/skill that can be used to collect information from LinkedIn.
Guest over 4 years ago in DX Assets 1 Completed