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Outlook VBo[Legacy + Graph API] - Add action for Draft mail

Currently in legacy VBO and Graph API VBO - there is no action for Draft mail. please include this.
Neeraj Kumar 6 days ago in DX Assets 0

Outlook Graph API - add/Remove person name in distribution list

Currently in Outlook graph API - there i no option to add/modify Person name/ID to a distribution list. Can this requirement be checked?Link of VBO where this enhancement is required
Neeraj Kumar 6 days ago in DX Assets 0

Calendar VBO

"Calendars" VBO is not found in Core VBOs. I searched all over DX but couldn't find it. In previous versions, it was bundled with BPE itself as one of the standard VBO. Please post this VBO on DX.
Mitsuko Kurata 5 months ago in DX Assets 2 Will not do

Read the table content from .msg file extension and store it as a table format (probably collection)

This will help to validate the values in column when we are referring the .msg file instead of email
Soumendra Mishra 4 months ago in DX Assets 0

Blue Prism Decipher - 1.2.0

Please change 'Link to Asset' to link to the latest version of Decipher's assets.I would also like the content of 'Getting Started' to be compatible with the latest version.(The latest version is 2.3, but "Link to assets" will take me to the 1.2 p...
Mitsuko Kurata 5 months ago in DX Assets 2 Will not do


I know there is Html2Pdf VBO. I also want PDFtoJPG VBO.
Mitsuko Kurata 5 months ago in DX Assets 2 Planned

Zoom control VBO

I would like a VBO to control the Zoom Meeting schedule. I'm guessing that many others probably want this, and would like to be able to set up a ZOOM Meeting schedule, with an API issued from Blue Prism.
Mitsuko Kurata 12 months ago in DX Assets 0

Microsoft Outlook VBO Enhancement - Paste clipboard into message body

While working on a project to insert a formatted Excel worksheet into Outlook, we found the formatting kept changing on insert. We worked around this approach by copying the worksheet into the clipboard, but then found we could not use an existing...
Brian Clayton 8 months ago in DX Assets 0

automate captcha

No description provided
DINESH MENTADA over 1 year ago in DX Assets 0 Planned

Salesforce Connector for Chrome/Edge

Hi, We are working on a project for extracting data from Salesforce. Recently SalesForce stopped supporting IE11 browser. We run BluePrism on 6.2.1 version which is not compatible with any other browser except IE11. From Organization's standpoint,...
Sharmil Shah over 3 years ago in DX Assets 1 Will not do