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DX Assets

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Outlook VBo[Legacy + Graph API] - Add action for Draft mail

Currently in legacy VBO and Graph API VBO - there is no action for Draft mail. please include this.
Neeraj Kumar 2 months ago in DX Assets 0 Planned

Outlook Graph API - add/Remove person name in distribution list

Currently in Outlook graph API - there i no option to add/modify Person name/ID to a distribution list. Can this requirement be checked?Link of VBO where this enhancement is required
Neeraj Kumar 2 months ago in DX Assets 0 Planned


I know there is Html2Pdf VBO. I also want PDFtoJPG VBO.
Mitsuko Kurata 8 months ago in DX Assets 2 Planned

Generic Queue Data Report

A way to output Queue data based on queue name and date parameters, using the queue data column names as parameters. For example, submit the parameters: Queue 1, 01/01/2024 to 07/01/2024, data column 1 is called 'Style', data column 2 is called 'S...
Jeremy Dean 12 months ago in DX Assets 0 Planned

Microsoft 365- outlook (Graph API) VBO - Action for sending/replying Encrypted mail

Currently - in Graph API VBO - There is no action or option in existing action where we can send/ reply/reply to all encrypted mail. Can this be taken in consideration.
Neeraj Kumar almost 1 year ago in DX Assets 4 Planned

MS Outlook VBO - date format

Hi, When we are using "Get Items in Folder", we receive dates in UTC format as ReceivedOn & SentOn etc. We have no use for UTC dates and would like a flag (or by default) to receive dates of the emails in Locale format.
Adam Röjdemark about 1 year ago in DX Assets 1 Planned

automate captcha

No description provided
DINESH MENTADA over 1 year ago in DX Assets 0 Planned

Support for client authentication via SAML.

Develop a VBO that supports client-side SAML authentication with 3rd party SAML IDPs. An example client library would be AspNetSaml.
Eric Wilson almost 2 years ago in DX Assets 0 Planned

MS Excel VBO - Look AT condition Find in Worksheet action

Request to add Look At condition in find In worksheet action which will help us to identify Exact and partial matches. I have modified the code so I added the screenshot of the same.
Amlan Sahoo almost 2 years ago in DX Assets 0 Planned

Create integration with

Create a VBO that will present a form to the user to capture information and return the data to the process.
Paul Nerger about 2 years ago in DX Assets 0 Planned