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Workspace DX Assets
Created by Pretheesh Puthiya Purayil
Created on Dec 13, 2021

Add ternary operator/function like IIF(expression, true case, false case) in expressions

Now, even for a small decision to check we have use a combination for calculation/object and decision.

Eg: To assign value zero a value is not number or take original value, we should be able to just write IIF(IsNumber([value]),0,[value])- Will return zero if [value] not a number

  • Admin
    Eric Wilson
    Dec 13, 2021

    Hello Pretheesh,

    Thank you for submitting your idea. Unfortunately, this isn't something we could tackle as a DX asset. This would have to be addressed in the core product. There is a separate ideas page for the core product, which you can find at the link below. Please submit your idea there.

