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Created by Neeraj Kumar
Created on Dec 5, 2022

Outlook VBO - Signature image

In Outlook VBO - While reading attachment from mail, Signature is read as Attachment- image001.png. Can we update VBO not to read signature as attachment.

  • Neeraj Kumar
    Jan 2, 2023

    I can see this functionality is updated in the VBO and is working fine as i tested. Thanks for this.

  • Admin
    Eric Wilson
    Dec 13, 2022

    Neeraj - I think we have a way of addressing this, so I'm promoting this to the backlog. We'll work on getting an update for the VBO posted in the next day or so.

  • Neeraj Kumar
    Dec 6, 2022

    Thanks Eric for checking this.

    Because of his issue - Developers has to write separate code just to get rid of png attachment generated as a result of signature.

  • Admin
    Eric Wilson
    Dec 5, 2022

    Hello Neeraj. We'll look into this, but I'm not sure there's anything we can do. The issue, as I recall, is that whether it's an inline image (ex. a signature) or an attachment, Outlook considers them all as just attachments.