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Workspace DX Assets
Created by Stefan Schnell
Created on Jan 8, 2021

Seamless Integration of PowerShell Scripts into Blue Prisem

With the attached VBO is it possible to use PowerShell scripts, as a file or code, seamlessly with Blue Prism. On this way consolidated PowerShell scripts, with all their capabilities, can be used in the context of Blue Prism RPA. This integration aspect expands the usability and enriches the diversity of the Blue Prism application landscape, by combining both worlds.

  • Stefan Schnell
    Jan 11, 2021

    Hello Eric,

    thank you very much for your hints, please indulge me, this is my first attempt. I will write a programmer's guide and upload it again on DX.

    Best regards

  • Admin
    Eric Wilson
    Jan 11, 2021

    There are basically two options for submitting it. You could upload the actual VBO to the DX, along with a programmer's guide, or you could create a repository on GitHub and link to it. Either option works well with the DX.

    Since you've already created the VBO I'm going to mark this idea as "Will not do" because there's no need for my team to build it. :-)



  • Admin
    Eric Wilson
    Jan 11, 2021

    Hi Stefan,

    Thank you for your work on this asset. Have you tried submitting it directly to the DX? When you log into the DX you should see a menu option in the Navigation bar titled My Account. Under that, you should see an option titled Submit Asset. If you click that you'll be presented with the asset submission form.

    If you have any issues or questions fee free to submit an email to

