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Extract Unique Values

I am going to try again. An action that can take a delimited list of needed fields and extract all the unique combinations based on those fields. This has worked for us by creating a collection that can be looped through and using a "Filter Collec...
Micheal Charron 9 months ago in DX Assets 2

Microsoft 365- outlook (Graph API) VBO - option for Attachment Name

Currently in Graph API VBO - we have one column where has attachment is showing True or False but attachment name is not showing and have to do workaround. please can this be checked.
Neeraj Kumar 10 months ago in DX Assets 1 Will not do

Microsoft Outlook VBO Enhancement - Paste clipboard into message body

While working on a project to insert a formatted Excel worksheet into Outlook, we found the formatting kept changing on insert. We worked around this approach by copying the worksheet into the clipboard, but then found we could not use an existing...
Brian Clayton 10 months ago in DX Assets 0

Search Environment Variable

There is need of features like Search Environment Variable, Search Credentials to identify these elements quickly while there is requirement to update these in Production. If there are number of automations increase, there are scenarios where we c...
Shailendra Singh 11 months ago in Old DX Platform 1

Time taken by each stage to measure performance issue.

There are several instances when we move code from lower env to Test or PROD env performance differences found even with upgrade from one version of Blue Prism to higher version led to performance issue. If there is way to get time taken by each s...
Shailendra Singh 11 months ago in Old DX Platform 0

Generic Queue Data Report

A way to output Queue data based on queue name and date parameters, using the queue data column names as parameters. For example, submit the parameters: Queue 1, 01/01/2024 to 07/01/2024, data column 1 is called 'Style', data column 2 is called 'S...
Jeremy Dean 12 months ago in DX Assets 0 Planned

Microsoft 365- outlook (Graph API) VBO - Action for sending/replying Encrypted mail

Currently - in Graph API VBO - There is no action or option in existing action where we can send/ reply/reply to all encrypted mail. Can this be taken in consideration.
Neeraj Kumar about 1 year ago in DX Assets 4 Planned

MS Outlook VBO - date format

Hi, When we are using "Get Items in Folder", we receive dates in UTC format as ReceivedOn & SentOn etc. We have no use for UTC dates and would like a flag (or by default) to receive dates of the emails in Locale format.
Adam Röjdemark about 1 year ago in DX Assets 1 Planned


No description provided
Caroline Garrad about 1 year ago in DX Assets 1 Will not do

Zoom control VBO

I would like a VBO to control the Zoom Meeting schedule. I'm guessing that many others probably want this, and would like to be able to set up a ZOOM Meeting schedule, with an API issued from Blue Prism.
Mitsuko Kurata about 1 year ago in DX Assets 0