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Get Worksheet As Collection actions

Hi Team, It would be great if all the Get Worksheet As collections will follow one route. Still, a few actions are copy pasting from the clipboard and given in the collection. Like Get Worksheet Range As Collection still uses copy paste method. It...
Amlan Sahoo almost 2 years ago in DX Assets 7 Completed

Create an Asset for Aha API

No description provided
Paul Nerger over 4 years ago in DX Assets 1 Completed

Create a connector for Adobe Sign

Adobe Sign is the Electronic Signature solution from Adobe that competes with DocuSign. The v5 of the API is at This is a SwaggerUI document and thus the OpenAPI file exists.
Paul Nerger over 4 years ago in DX Assets 1 Completed

Genesys Cloud Connector

Genesys cloud is a hosted call center solution. Their API is documented at They have Open API V2.0 specifications.
Paul Nerger over 4 years ago in DX Assets 0 Completed

Update the user guide of SQL VBO

Hello - For below mentioned VBO, Please update the user guide for below VBO in details
Neeraj Kumar about 2 years ago in DX Assets 6 Completed

Outlook VBO - Signature image

In Outlook VBO - While reading attachment from mail, Signature is read as Attachment- image001.png. Can we update VBO not to read signature as attachment.
Neeraj Kumar about 2 years ago in DX Assets 4 Completed


Request for a VBO that supports file transfers via FTP and SFTP.
Guest over 4 years ago in DX Assets 2 Completed


VBO/skill that wraps access to the vSphere REST API for guest VM control.
Eric Wilson over 4 years ago in DX Assets 0 Completed

Enhancements to "Utility - Image Manipulation" VBO.

Enhancements to the existing Utility - Image Manipulation VBO to support additional functionality. Some of the features that are being asked for include: Resizing a image Zooming Cropping image Compression (could be handled by the existing Utility...
Eric Wilson over 2 years ago in DX Assets 0 Completed

Update the POP3/SMTP VBO.

We need to update the POP3/SMTP VBO to use newer libraries (ex. MailKit) in order to support newer protocols and capabilities.
Eric Wilson over 2 years ago in DX Assets 0 Completed