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Salesforce Connector for Chrome/Edge

Hi, We are working on a project for extracting data from Salesforce. Recently SalesForce stopped supporting IE11 browser. We run BluePrism on 6.2.1 version which is not compatible with any other browser except IE11. From Organization's standpoint,...
Sharmil Shah almost 4 years ago in DX Assets 1 Will not do

Housekeeping BOTS

In many scaled implementation the COE performs housekeeping tasks such as passwords reset , clearing and archiving logs, or when upgrading to new version the requirement to update version on all servers and VM in all environments. Also include Lic...
Jorg Schwarze over 3 years ago in DX Assets 1 Future consideration

Editing Priority for Work Queue items after loaded into Queue

Currently, In Blue Prism, Users can edit the Status for Queue items which are loaded already into the Queue. Similarly, Blue Prism has to allow users to edit the Priority of the Work Queue Pending status items. This will help us to meet if urgent ...
Vidhya Anbalagan over 2 years ago in DX Assets 5 Will not do

Mail Bot for FAQs

Support teams around the world get many questions that are the same and as such, they create Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to help customer help themselves. But as FAQ documents get more complex and longer, customers find it more and more diff...
Paul Nerger almost 4 years ago in DX Assets 0 Future consideration

Workday HCM and Financial API connectors

BP has 21 customer accounts that require Workday integration.
Bruce Mazza about 4 years ago in DX Assets 0 Planned

Calendar VBO

"Calendars" VBO is not found in Core VBOs. I searched all over DX but couldn't find it. In previous versions, it was bundled with BPE itself as one of the standard VBO. Please post this VBO on DX.
Mitsuko Kurata 7 months ago in DX Assets 2 Will not do

Zoom control VBO

I would like a VBO to control the Zoom Meeting schedule. I'm guessing that many others probably want this, and would like to be able to set up a ZOOM Meeting schedule, with an API issued from Blue Prism.
Mitsuko Kurata about 1 year ago in DX Assets 0

automate captcha

No description provided
DINESH MENTADA over 1 year ago in DX Assets 0 Planned

Summary of changes made in process and object studio

Many a times, developer may lose track of the exact changes made prior to a save and when the developer enter the change summary, it may be incomplete. Having a list of changes made in between saves would be helpful
Jonas Ong almost 4 years ago in DX Assets 3 Will not do


Build an integration with the Elasticsearch REST API to support inseart, update, search, delete, and analyze operations on documents.
Eric Wilson over 4 years ago in DX Assets 0 Future consideration